Mastering the Art of Background Play: How to Keep YouTube Playing in the Background

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on mastering the art of background play on YouTube. This blog post will provide you with detailed instructions and insights on how to keep YouTube playing even when you switch to another app or lock your screen.

Have you ever wished to listen to a podcast, music playlist, or an educational video on YouTube while simultaneously using other apps on your smartphone? Or perhaps you’ve wanted to turn off your screen to save battery while still enjoying your favorite YouTube audio content. If your answer is yes, then you’re not alone. The ability to play YouTube in the background is a feature that many users desire for its sheer convenience and multi-tasking potential.

Playing YouTube in the background allows you to enjoy the platform’s vast array of audio content without being glued to your screen. It not only enables you to use your device more efficiently but also helps extend your battery life by turning off the video display.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the various ways you can achieve this, from subscribing to YouTube Premium to alternative methods. So, buckle up as we explore the exciting world of background play on YouTube!

Understanding YouTube’s Policy on Background Play

Before we delve into the methods of playing YouTube in the background, it’s crucial to understand YouTube’s policy regarding this functionality. According to YouTube’s terms of service, the ability to play videos in the background is a feature restricted to YouTube Premium subscribers. This policy is in place primarily because YouTube relies on ad revenue, which requires users to view their ads visually.

That said, there is an official solution offered by YouTube itself – YouTube Premium. Introduced as a subscription-based service, YouTube Premium not only allows subscribers to play videos in the background but also provides an ad-free viewing experience and access to exclusive content.

YouTube Premium, priced at $11.99 per month, services a dual purpose. On one hand, it provides a more streamlined and user-friendly experience to the viewer. On the other hand, it ensures that creators who rely on ad revenue for their livelihood are not shortchanged.

In the following sections, we’ll first discuss how to utilize the background play feature with a YouTube Premium subscription. We’ll then explore some alternative methods that you can use if you’re not keen on subscribing to YouTube Premium. However, remember that these alternatives should be used responsibly, keeping in mind the platform’s policies and the potential impact on content creators.

How to Play YouTube in the Background with YouTube Premium

If you’re ready to enhance your YouTube experience and support your favorite content creators, subscribing to YouTube Premium is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the YouTube app or website: Start by launching the YouTube app on your smartphone or visit the YouTube website on your desktop.
  2. Sign in to your account: If you’re not already signed in, click on the ‘Sign in’ button and enter your Google account credentials.
  3. Access YouTube Premium: Look for the ‘Get YouTube Premium’ option. This is usually found under your profile icon in the top right corner.
  4. Choose a plan: You will be presented with various plans including individual, family, and student options. Select the one that suits your needs best.
  5. Enter payment details: Follow the prompts to enter your payment information and confirm your subscription.

Once you have successfully subscribed to YouTube Premium, playing videos in the background becomes an effortless task. Here’s how to use this feature:

  1. Play a video: Open the YouTube app and start playing the video that you want to listen to in the background.
  2. Exit the app or lock your screen: Simply press the home button on your device or lock your screen. The audio from the video will continue to play.
  3. Control playback from notification panel: Even when your screen is off or you’re using another app, you can control the playback (play, pause, skip) from the notification panel.

With YouTube Premium, you can now enjoy uninterrupted listening while multitasking or conserving your device’s battery life. In the next section, we’ll explore alternative methods for those who prefer not to subscribe to YouTube Premium.

Alternative Methods for Background Play

While YouTube Premium is the official and most straightforward way to play YouTube in the background, there are other means to achieve this if you’re not ready for a subscription. These alternatives primarily involve using specific web browsers on your mobile device or third-party apps that support background play. Let’s delve into each method:

Using Web Browsers on Mobile Devices:

One popular workaround to play YouTube in the background is by using web browsers like Firefox or Google Chrome. Here’s how:


  1. Download and open the Firefox browser on your smartphone.
  2. Visit and sign in to your account.
  3. Search for the video you wish to play in the background.
  4. Start playing the video and then simply press the home button to exit the app. The audio should continue to play in the background.

Google Chrome:

  1. Open the Chrome browser on your phone.
  2. Visit and log in to your account.
  3. Find and play the video you want to listen to.
  4. Exit the app or lock your screen. You will see a notification with the option to continue playing the video. Tap play, and the audio will start playing in the background.

Overview of Third-Party Apps That Support Background Play:

There are several third-party apps available that allow YouTube to play in the background. However, it’s important to note that these apps may violate YouTube’s terms of service and could potentially be removed from app stores. Therefore, use these at your own risk and discretion.

Here are a few options:

  • YouTube Vanced: This is an advanced version of YouTube that allows background play, among other features. It’s available only for Android devices.
  • NewPipe: This is an open-source app for Android devices that allows background play and downloads from YouTube.

Here’s how you can use these apps:

YouTube Vanced:

  1. Download and install YouTube Vanced from the official website (
  2. Open the app, sign in to your account, and find the video you want to play.
  3. Start the video and then exit the app or lock your screen. The audio will continue to play in the background.


  1. Download and install NewPipe from the F-Droid website (
  2. Open the app and search for your desired video.
  3. Tap on the ‘Background’ button below the video description. The video will start playing in the background.

Remember, while these methods enable background play, they might not support the creators you love on YouTube. Subscribing to YouTube Premium is a way to enjoy this feature while also ensuring that content creators get their fair share.

Considerations and Precautions when Using Third-Party Apps

While third-party apps offer a workaround for playing YouTube videos in the background, it’s important to approach these alternatives with caution. Here are some key considerations and precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Legality and Compliance with Terms of Service: Some third-party apps may violate YouTube’s terms of service, which could result in your account being suspended or banned. YouTube’s terms explicitly state that content is intended for viewing directly through its platforms (app or website) unless otherwise expressly authorized.
  2. Safety and Privacy Risks: Downloading and installing third-party apps from sources outside of official app stores can expose your device to potential security risks such as malware or data theft. Always ensure you’re downloading from a reputable source and check reviews and ratings where possible.
  3. Supporting Content Creators: One of the reasons why YouTube restricts background play to Premium subscribers is to ensure that content creators are fairly compensated for their work. By using workarounds to avoid ads or subscriptions, we may inadvertently deprive these creators of their deserved revenue.

Here are some tips on how to use these apps responsibly and safely:

  • Check App Legitimacy: Do some research about the app you intend to use. Check for user reviews, ratings, and any news related to the app’s safety and legitimacy.
  • Download from Reputable Sources: Only download apps from trusted sources. If you’re downloading an APK file, make sure it’s from the official app website or a reputable APK repository.
  • Keep Your Device Secure: Install a reliable antivirus software on your device and regularly scan for threats. Be cautious about the permissions you grant to third-party apps.
  • Consider Premium Subscription: If you find yourself frequently needing to play YouTube videos in the background, consider subscribing to YouTube Premium. Not only will this provide a safer and more seamless user experience, but it will also help support the content creators you love.

In conclusion, while there are alternative methods to play YouTube in the background, they come with their own set of considerations. Weigh these against the benefits of a YouTube Premium subscription to make an informed choice.


Throughout this guide, we’ve explored various methods to play YouTube in the background, each with its own advantages and considerations.

We began with YouTube Premium, the official solution offered by YouTube that not only allows background play but also provides an ad-free experience and access to exclusive content. Subscribing is a straightforward process, and it supports the content creators you love.

Alternatively, we discussed using web browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome on mobile devices, a workaround that enables background play without any additional cost. However, this method may not provide as smooth an experience as YouTube’s native app.

Third-party apps offer another route for background play. While apps like YouTube Vanced and NewPipe are popular options, they come with their own set of concerns, including potential violations of YouTube’s terms of service, security risks, and the ethical consideration of supporting content creators.

In the end, the choice hinges on your personal needs and values. If you’re a casual listener who occasionally wants music in the background, the browser method might suffice. If you’re a frequent user seeking a seamless, ad-free experience, YouTube Premium could be worth the investment. And if you’re tech-savvy and willing to navigate the potential risks, third-party apps could offer a solution.

Remember, whichever method you choose, it’s important to use these services responsibly, respecting both legal guidelines and the hard work of the content creators who make the platform what it is. Happy listening!

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